
The seed begins to sprout when exposed to adequate moisture and temperature. A small shoot emerges from the seed.

Seedling Stage:

 After germination, the seed grows into a small seedling with a stem and small leaves.

Sapling Stage: The seedling then develops into a larger plant where the stem grows thicker and more leaves appear.

Young Plant Stage:

 The plant grows larger, tissues and different organs such as leaves and stems develop.

Mature Plant Stage:

 The plant reaches its full size, all its parts are complete, and it starts to produce flowers or fruits regularly.

Mature Tree

Some plants develop into large trees as they mature. At this stage, plants may have been producing leaves and flowers regularly and may be capable of reproduction.

Each plant species may vary in its growth progression and the conditions it requires, but these are the general stages that most plants go through from seed to becoming a tree.